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Standard Terms & Conditions

The non-refundable session is due on the date that your session is first scheduled. TIFFANY

The fee shall be good for services performed on the originally scheduled date. In the event that you need to
re-schedule that date, pricing and our availability to provide services on such date will be
reviewed. In the event of a cancellation, your session fee will be honored on one reschedule date. If
that date is also 
canceled, a new session fee will apply for future sessions. 

Only the person being photographed may attend the session; provided, however, that in the case
of children and infants, up to 2 parents may also attend. Parents attending sessions are kindly
asked to adhere to any instructions from the photographer and to refrain from interfering with the
photographer's work. Personal assistants, nannies, caregivers, friends, and siblings may not attend
sessions unless they are being photographed.




The session fee pays for your in-person or phone pre-session consultation, photography time at
your session, image preparation, and one in-person order session. Images (digital or printed) must
be purchased separately.

Tiffany Kells Photography reserves the right to terminate any session due to any failure of the
client to adhere to the requirements set forth in this Agreement or if the subject(s) being
photographed are unwilling to be photographed or if anyone in the session is behaving in a 

manner that the photographer deems inappropriate or inconsistent with the purposes of the
session. In the event of any such termination, Tiffany Kells Photography may offer to schedule a
new session in its sole discretion; provided, however, that it is under no obligation to do so.

Under no circumstances will the session fee be refunded.

Parties being photographed must be dressed, made up, and prepared at the designated start time
unless scheduled hair and makeup are taking place. Sessions will begin and end promptly as
scheduled. Additional photography time may be purchased in half-hour increments for $150 per
half-hour (photographer availability and schedule permitting). Tiffany Kells captures the "essence"
of you or your children; the finer details (combed hair, wrinkly clothes, clean faces, jewelry, etc.)

are not the photographer's responsibility. Tending to these items before the session will be much

simpler and more cost-effective for the client.

We offer professional retouching services for a fee of $25.00 per image, including removal of
wrinkles, acne, tan lines, etc.

All orders must be placed at the time of your order session. ALL PRODUCTS MUST BE PAID FOR IN
FULL BY THE END OF THE ORDER SESSION. ALL SUCH PAYMENTS ARE FINAL AND ARE NOT REFUNDABLE.  It is recommended that you prepare lists of the types and quantities of products that you expect to order prior to the order session given the time limit. While you are free to add items
to your order, any removal of items in this order, once you have left the studio, will incur a $100  fee 

which will be billed at the time your order arrives. All ordered images will be archived and

unordered images may be purged. Images can be unarchived with a minimum order of $300.
Completed orders may be picked up during normal business hours and you will be notified when
your products are ready. While we anticipate that print orders will be filled in approximately 4-6
weeks, Tiffany Kells Photography makes no guarantees in this regard. Rush orders can be placed for
an additional fee. Once your portraits are picked up, there are no returns or exchanges, so please
be certain to inspect your order carefully. If you choose to have your order shipped, we must be
notified within 24 hours of any problems.

Tiffany Kells Photography's liability for its provision of products and services hereunder shall be
limited to the amounts paid to Tiffany Kells Photography hereunder.  


Tiffany Kells Photography is not responsible or liable for any failure to provide any services due to
any act of God, weather event, 
an act of government, or any other occurrence, act, or event which is
outside of Tiffany Kells Photography's exclusive control. In addition, Tiffany Kells Photography shall
not be responsible for equipment failure or the failure of any software or other computer or

electronic medium which results in any damage to any proofs, negatives, digital files, prints or
photos or which result in the inability to print or duplicate any of the foregoing.

Tiffany Kells Photography shall have the right to use all negatives, files, proofs, photos, prints and
all images and likenesses thereon in connection with its display and marketing efforts and you
grant to Tiffany Kells Photography a royalty-free fully paid, and irrevocable license to use all such
materials for its commercial and artistic purposes and you represent that you have the authority to
grant the same.

You agree to be responsible for any damage occurring to any of Tiffany Kells Photography's
equipment or property during or as a result of the event or the actions of any session attendees, or
as a result of any condition or occurrence at an on-location session that results in damage, other
then the damage that results solely from Tiffany Kells Photography's negligence.

While Tiffany Kells Photography strives to provide its clients with the utmost in photography
services, Tiffany Kells Photography is, first and foremost, an art studio with an established style and
reputation. While Tiffany Kells Photography regularly works with its clients to deliver photographs
which will meet their individualized needs, Tiffany Kells Photography reserves the right to exercise
full artistic control over the nature, number, and types of pictures it creates.

The client understands that when sharing photos online via personal website, Facebook, Instagram,
etc., the Client must include Tiffany Kells Photography's watermark, and, will not edit the photos in any
way, including removing the watermark, cropping the image, adding filters, or any other creative

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© 2023 by Tiffany Kells Photography, LLC. Mukwonago, WI,  Ph. (262) 581-6652

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